Car Accident Guide

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you have questions, and we have answers. This guide has everything you need to know. If you have questions about your specific situation, pick up the phone and give us a call. It will cost you nothing.

Broken Arm

What are your injuries?

Know what to look for when you have been in a car or other motor vehicle accident. You may have experienced one of these common injuries, such as whiplash, back injury, burn, or paralysis. There’s no harm in seeing a doctor. In fact, you cannot know the extent of your injuries without medical aid.

Teen driver - Martinson & Beason, P.C.

Do you understand your insurance coverage?

How does insurance coverage affect my claim? What happens if the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured? Let’s be honest: insurance is confusing. We’ve broken it down for you, and as always, we’re here to answer any further questions you may have.

car accident

Are you prepared to deal with the insurance company?

Dealing with your insurance company and that of the other driver is no easy task. No matter what they tell you, they do not have your best interest in mind. Here are the things that you need to be aware of when dealing with insurance companies after your accident.

Huntsville, Alabama, Car Accidents

Legal FAQ: Property Damage in Car Accidents

While we at Martinson and Beason, P.C. always welcome calls from people with legal questions, we hope this guide will help inform you on your legal rights in the event your motor vehicle is damaged in a car accident.

Decatur, Alabama, Car Accidents

Have more questions?

Read the answers to frequently asked questions about car accidents from Alabama residents just like you.


Morris Lilienthal Family

Meet the attorneys who will take care of you.

We aren’t just attorneys. We are people, too—people with families. We have had our own struggles, and we care about yours. We have been serving the residents of Huntsville and North Alabama for over 75 years. Meet Morris (pictured left with his family) and the rest of the team.


Print and keep this sheet of post-accident do’s and don’ts in your glove box.

I was in an accident. What should I say? What should I do? What shouldn’t I say and do? This sheet tells you everything you need to know if you have been in an accident. It walks you through the pertinent information that you need to make sure and get from the driver(s) and witness(es) before you leave the scene.

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Print this one, too, for a step-by-step accident guide.

This not only provides you with the steps you should take at the scene of an accident, it also guides you through the steps you should be sure to take after you leave the scene.