Veterans Administration Fraud

Veteran fraudScammers and con-artists typically target those who are elderly or disabled in their financial schemes; however, according to recent reports out of Tennessee, apparently veterans seeking benefits from the Veterans Administration may also be vulnerable to financial schemes and attacks.

This past summer, news emerged from Jonesborough, a small town in northeastern Tennessee of a Veterans Administration financial advisor taking advantage of an honorably discharged Army veteran who had sought out assistance from the agency. Kenneth Richard Devore has been indicted on charges of attempting to defraud the veteran of more than $680,000. Devore allegedly gained the trust of the veteran, who has been declared incompetent since 1986, then used his power to take advantage of him financially. He persuaded and tricked the incompetent veteran into placing him into his will in order to reap a large inheritance upon the veteran’s death. 

According to the news report, Devore secured the veteran’s signature on his will which would have made him the sole beneficiary of the veteran’s assets following his death. However, Devore is now in custody awaiting his trial which was scheduled for September 26 in the federal court of Greenville, Tennessee.

This incident highlights the importance of ensuring that you and your loved ones are not falling victim to manipulators and scammers such as Devore. It is always important to check in on elderly or disabled relatives who may be more vulnerable to these sorts of financial schemes and take steps with an attorney to ensure that their assets are secure.