Tune in to the Mo Show Live on Wednesday, May 2nd at 2:00 pm (CST) where our guest will be Mark Maloney, Rotary International President-Nominee. Mark Maloney was recently selected by the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International and will be declared president-nominee October 1st if no other candidate is suggested.
Morris and Mark will be discussing what Rotary is, the organization’s mission, the growth Rotary clubs at the local, national and international level and how they serve our communities at home and abroad. As a member of the Rotary Club of Madison, Morris is proud to welcome President-Nominee Maloney to the program. Both the Rotary Club of Madison and Rotary Club of Decatur are part of Rotary District 6860.
Rotary International is the governing body of over 34,000 local rotary clubs with over 1.2 million members, who are known as Rotarians. Rotary is well known for the four-way test, a set of four questions to guide members’ words and actions: “is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” Rotary is founded in 1905 and has grown extensively since its inception.
Mark Maloney is an attorney from Decatur, Alabama and is a member of Rotary Club of Decatur. As the upcoming 2019-2020 President, Mark intends to strengthen clubs at the community level and test new approaches for growth. Mark first became a Rotarian in 1980 and has served in numerous leadership capacities, including as a RI director, Foundation Trustee and Vice-Chair, Future Vision Committee vice-chair; regional Rotary Foundation coordinator, aide to a former Rotary International President, and District Governor.
Mark is a principal in the North Alabama law firm Blackburn, Maloney, and Schuppert, LLC. His law practice centers around taxation, estate planning, and agricultural law. He has previously chaired the American Bar Association’s Committee on Agriculture. In addition to his work in the legal profession and with Rotary, Mark has chaired the Morgan County Meals on Wheels, his church’s finance committee, the local Catholic school board, and served as President of the Community Foundation of Greater Decatur.
To watch the episode with Rotary International President-Nominee Mark Maloney, tune in to Facebook Live at www.TheMoShow.Live. Additional episodes of the Mo Show Live are available on the YouTube Channel. The Mo Show welcomes your engagement through comments and messages. To submit a question for Mark, email Morris at morris@martinsonandbeason.com.