Category: Recalls

GM Recalls Nearly 1.4 Million Cars after Deaths Linked to Defect

Chevy Defects | Car Accident Lawyer | Huntsville, AL | Martinson & Beason, P.C.In the past few years, several car companies have issued high-profile recalls of their cars. First, it was Toyota. Now, General Motors is recalling nearly 1.4 million of its vehicles due to a faulty ignition switch. Because of the defect, the car switches off, which also disables the airbags and other safety systems. Sadly, the recall has come too late for the number of people who were injured or died in car crashes.

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NHTSA Will Provide Free VIN Searches to Alert Consumers to Uncompleted Recalls

Car recalls - Martinson & Beason, P.C.When you buy a product, whether off the shelf or online, you expect it to be safe. Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers have a duty to the public to make sure that their products are not harmful. But some products have dangerous defects that can cause injuries. When it comes to light that a product is defective, it is recalled—either voluntarily by the company or as a requirement of the Consumer Product Safety Commission or other agency.

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