Category: Mo Show Live

Mo Show Live with UAH Basketball Seniors

image of morris with the basketball players The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, May 6th at 6:00 PM central time and will UAH Basketball seniors David Anderson, Dalton Barkley, Aryn Sanders, Katie Speegle. Morris and David, Dalton, Aryn, and Katie will be discussing their time in the basketball program at UAH and their plan for the future.

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Mo Show Live with Rick Karle of WVTM 13 News

Photo of Rick Karle and Morris Lilienthal The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, March 18th at 2:00 PM central time and will feature Rick Karle who co-hosts WVTM-13’s morning news program. Morris and Rick will be discussing sports, Rick’s career in broadcasting, as well as his interest in human interest stories.

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Mo Show Live with Madison Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Burton Moffett

Morris Lilienthal & Burton Moffett The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, March 4th at 5:00 PM central time and will feature Dr. Burton Moffett of the Madison Pediatric Dentistry. Morris and Dr. Moffett will be discussing the importance of good dental health in children, how to get your kids motivated, what to expect on a visit to the pediatric dentist and more.

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Mo Show Live with Tennessee Riverkeeper David Whiteside

morris lilienthal with David Whiteside The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday February 19th at 3:00 PM central time and will feature David Whiteside of the Tennessee Riverkeeper organization. Morris and David will be discussing the organization’s role in protecting the environment, including through enforcement, advocacy, and education.

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Mo Show Live with 513 Kicks Founder Chris Casseday

  Chris Casseday and Morris Lilienthal The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Tuesday, February 11th at 3:00 PM central time and will feature Chris Casseday, founder of the online sneaker boutique 513 Kicks. Morris and Chris will be discussing Chris’s passion for sneakers, his company 513 Kicks, the sneaker market, and how you value shoes. Chris Casseday has been a shoe fan since he was 10 years old. Around that age, Chris used $125 of his own money to purchase sneakers from a local mall and then resell the same pair on eBay for $325. Chris never looked back and has been selling shoes online for over 20 years.

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Mo Show Live with Rocket City Trash Pandas Announcer Josh Caray

Photo of Josh Caray and Morris Lilienthal The next Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, January 22nd at 3:00 PM Central Time and will feature Josh Caray, the play-by-play announcer of the new Rocket City Trash Pandas. Morris and Josh will be discussing minor league baseball, sports in general, and all things Trash Pandas.

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