Category: Alabama

Mo Show Live with Madison Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Burton Moffett

Morris Lilienthal & Burton Moffett The next episode of the Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, March 4th at 5:00 PM central time and will feature Dr. Burton Moffett of the Madison Pediatric Dentistry. Morris and Dr. Moffett will be discussing the importance of good dental health in children, how to get your kids motivated, what to expect on a visit to the pediatric dentist and more.

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Caleb Ballew Named To Madison County Volunteer Lawyers Board of Directors

photo of caleb ballew Martinson & Beason, P.C. is proud to announce that M&B attorney, Caleb W. Ballew, has been named as a member to the Board of Directors of the Madison County Volunteer Lawyers Program, beginning this year. The MCVLP is a local organization that offers free legal services to low-income citizens and families of Madison County, Alabama. These services can range from a simple consult, to document preparation, to litigation and court advocacy.

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Mo Show Live with Rocket City Trash Pandas Announcer Josh Caray

Photo of Josh Caray and Morris Lilienthal The next Mo Show Live will air Wednesday, January 22nd at 3:00 PM Central Time and will feature Josh Caray, the play-by-play announcer of the new Rocket City Trash Pandas. Morris and Josh will be discussing minor league baseball, sports in general, and all things Trash Pandas.

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WAFF 48 News Interviews M&B Attorney, Madison County Conservator Doug Martinson About Limestone County Elder Abuse Case

From WAFF 48 News  Thursday, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall announced Limestone County Judge Douglas Patterson is charged with stealing from an incapacitated elderly man. Limestone County judge indicted, allegedly stole money from juvenile court and retired veteran Marshall alleges Patterson stole “$47,800 for his own personal use.” The press release from Marshall’s office states “Patterson became [the man’s] conservator in March 2010. [The man], who is now deceased, was an incapacitated senior living in a Limestone County nursing home for military veterans. At the time Patterson became his conservator, his account had over $43,000. By December 2016, the account had less than $200..."

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Avoid These 2019 Holiday Scams

dollar bill with a bow wrapped around it The holidays are a time when families get together to enjoy one another’s company and gifts are exchanged in an effort to show one another love. It is a season of giving all around. However, scammers and thieves use this season as an opportunity to give themselves a gift and abuse the kind spirits of others. This holiday season, watch out for some of the following ways that tricksters seek to line their pockets.

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What to Do With Your Parents’ Stuff At The End of Their Life

Vases and clocks on a mantel It’s a mournful time dealing with the death of a parent. Whether it be expected or sudden, this hole in your life is one that every son or daughter can expect to walk through at some point in their life. Many emotions rule the conversation about the end of life, but one that is rarely discussed is what to do with all your relative’s possessions when they pass? Unfortunately, in today’s society, most of the furniture that our family once considered an antique heirloom is now viewed as an unfashionable eye-sore in a modern home. This creates an obvious disconnect upon the death of a parent as a family now scrambles to see what to do with all this family furniture. According to the National Association of Senior Move Managers, many times this furniture ends up being discarded and thrown out.

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